Company Profile

KTNET's History Mirrors That of Paperless Trading in Korea
Korea Trade Network

In accordance with the Korean government's basic plan for comprehensive trade automation, KTNET was established in 1989 with 100% investment by the Korea International Trade Association (KITA).

KTNET, which the government designated as a trade automation business (presently known as National Paperless Trade Infrastructure Provider ) in 1992, has contributed to the innovative improvement of trade processes and reduction of trade-related expenses by realizing automation services for all the complex processes of export & import businesses through establishment of paperless trade infrastructure, achieving economic effects that reach US$ 5.57 billion annually.

Through the world's foremost trade system linking about 97,000 customers and trade-related organizations, including trading companies, banks, customs brokers, shipping companies, insurance firms, forwarders and bonded storages, KTNET has digitalized about 614 types of export & import documents in the G2B and B2B sectors and is processing an annual average of 370 million cases of paperless documents, thereby carrying out a true hidden champion's role in the development of national industries.

World Best Seamless Single Window

Paperless Green Growth

Realize the goal of “Paperless Green Growth” beyond “Paperless Trade,” KTNET is presently authoring a new chapter in the history of trade.

Pioneering Korea's paperless document industry, such as certified e-document center, certified e-mail address (#Mail) and Accredited digital certificate, KTNET is taking the lead in converting the IT paradigm.

Now, KTNET's paperless trade service provides individuals with smart and convenient working environments and enables enterprises to strengthen competitiveness through reduction of expenses and enhanced productivity and intends to become a driving force for the nation's further development through green growth.

Without resting on its laurels, KTNET is determined to exert incessant efforts for the future of the paperless industry all over the world.

Designation as Infrastructure Service Provider for 10 Business Areas

KTNET is an infrastructure service provider for 10 business areas with public service performance and reliable infrastructure.

8대 기간망 사업 운영기관-지식경제부,관세청,행정안전부,법무부


12 Pilot project “Implementation of cargo in-out platform for bonded warehouse and inland transportation using blockchain technology”
07 Commenced the e-Customs Clearance Development Project won from the Paraguayan Customs Authority
03 Designated as an identification service agency by the Korea Communications Commission
10 Launched differentiated purchase confirmation service for suppliers
10 Launched robotic process automation service for e-revenue stamp
07 Enhanced a digital trade and logistics platform.
08 Expanded arrival and departure declaration services.
11 Designated as a port logistics information relay service provider by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries
07 Designated as an e-revenue stamp service agency by the Ministry of Economy and Finance
04 Ministry of Trade, Be selected as a export voucher business execution agency
08 Designated as an indirect export records verification agency by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy
04 Operation of e-commerce trade
01 Won order for strengthening of national tax and customs tariff services capabilities(Rwanda)
12 Won order for e-procurement system establishment (Rwanda and Jordan)
12 Launched integrated maritime logistics services
12 Completion of development of Tanzania Single Customs Territory interface
12 Completion of establishment of Tanzania Tax Office new customs automation system
10 Developed an election management system in Kyrgyzstan
10 Launched a non-ActiveX, open-web secure certification solution (SCORE PKI for OPEN WEB)
04 Launched a paperless trade learning system (uTradeEdu)
10 Opened an e-parliament system in Mongolia
07 Won the Single Customs Territory Development Project in Tanzania
06 Won the Digital Budget Accounting System (dBrain) Operation Project from the Ministry of Economy and Finance
02 Full implementation of digital collection and purchase of domestic L/C
03 Full implementation of digital opening and notification of domestic L/C
02 Established "Korea Paperless Trade Center" located at Pangyo
